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What To Expect

On your initial visit, your massage therapist will begin by giving you a simple heath questionnaire to fill out. You can fill out the questionnaire while your therapist sets up the massage table.

The massage table is about as large as a twin size bed when it’s set up. Please have a space large enough to accommodate its large size and for the therapist to walk around the entire table unobstructed. Also your therapist will come with a CD of suitable massage music. If you would like them to play their music or any CD of your own collection, please have a CD player accessible to the room where the table will be set up.

Once you have filled out the questionnaire your therapist will briefly review it with you. Next, your therapist will leave the room to wash his/her hands while you undress, relax on the table, and cover yourself with a fresh clean sheet.

For a full body Swedish Massage, most people undress completely. However, your comfort is very important to us, so if you would be more comfortable wearing your underwear or a bathing suit bottom during your session, that would be fine too.

Please note that you will be warmly draped at all times, except for the specific area being worked on.

Your massage may be started either face up or face down. This may depend on your primary area of concern, or your preference.

A traditional Swedish Massage is usually done in the comfort of your own home and will include massage techniques applied to your back, legs, feet, arms, hands, neck, head, face and may even include your stomach, if requested before the massage begins.

Your therapist will use light oil or a cream which is good for your skin and will absorb well.

Your massage will begin with firm, but lighter flowing strokes. These types of strokes calm your nervous system, and start to relax your more superficial muscles. This is important so that your therapist will be able to reach your deeper muscles and relax your chief areas of complaint. As your body becomes ready, your therapist can work more deeply on the areas that need it, but only within your tolerance. Let your therapist know if you require more or less pressure. Always tell your therapist if you feel any discomfort, so he or she can adjust the pressure appropriately.

When your therapist has finished your massage, he or she will gently let you know that it is finished. Your therapist will then leave the room for a few minutes to wash hands, and to give you privacy to put your clothes back on.

Let your therapist know when you have your clothes back on, so he/she knows when it is appropriate to come back into the room and clean the table.

Your therapist will then clean the table, pack it and all the other massage supplies away.

Your payment can be rendered at this point if it hasn’t already been done.

Then your therapist will leave you to continue to relax in the comfort of your own home.


Scheduling Your Massage Kneaded Session
Simply call: 954.614.Body (2639)
The receptionist will find out what your needs are and schedule your appointment accordingly.|
* Please note that to reserve your appointment time, we need either a credit card number or a gift certificate number. Your credit card will not be billed, however, until after your session, and then only if you are paying by credit card, and not cash.

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